Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Watch out, lumps are not the only symptom of breast cancer; know them all.
When cells start to multiply abnormally in the breast, it results in the development of a tumour
which over time progresses to become breast cancer. The incidence of this condition is increasing at
an alarming rate – it is now one of the most common cancers in women – especially in Indian metro
cities. In the past decade, there has been a 30 per cent surge in breast cancer cases.
Though very
rare, men also can develop breast cancer as they too have breast tissue. Of all breast cancer cases in
the world, 99 per cent are diagnosed in women and only 1 per cent is detected in men.

Ever wondered why Tobacco addiction is hard to get over? Doctor Explains Impact, Risks and Prevention tips.
Tobacco kills half of its users-: Each year more than 8 million people die worldwide from tobacco related diseases. It is known that Tobacco use is a major risk factor for many diseases, including cancers with high mortality, namely Cancer of Lung and Head Neck, as well as chronic diseases of Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular system.
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Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Lung Cancer has the most common Cancer-related and tobacco-related mortality worldwide (1.38 million patients i.e 18.2 % of the total cancer death). It is also one of the commonest cancers in Males in developing countries so much that it is going to be an epidemic of Lung cancer in near future. However, there have been advancements in medical science right from the preventive strategies to therapeutic strategies which bring a ray of hope in such a dismal scenario The month of November is designated for Lung cancer awareness by various Cancer organizations across the world.

Acute Leukemia: Causes and Symptoms
Cancer affecting the white blood cells is known as leukaemia. Acute leukaemia signifies that cancer spreads rapidly requiring immediate medical attention. The cancer of blood and bone marrow is known as Acute Leukemia. It starts in the bone marrow (soft inner part of the bone-responsible for blood cell production) and spread quickly to the blood and different parts of the body like the liver, the spleen, the brain, the spinal cord...
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Sarcomas - Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
Soft tissue Sarcoma- which includes tumors arising from muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves. Since these tissues are in found in all parts of the body hence the tumors can originate from any body part. Malignancy or aberrant growth in any of these tissues is called Sarcoma and is classified according to their respective tissue of origin.
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Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - The Harbinger of Precision Medicine
CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA (CML), as the name implies, is a chronic or slow-growing progression of a disease of myeloid cells (a type of White blood cells that become mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). In chronic myeloid leukaemia, the bone marrow produces too many myeloid blood cells which are at various maturation stages including cells known as immature granulocytes, metamyelocyte, and myeloblasts. ..
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Breast Cancer Detection and Screening
Starting at the age of 40, regular mammogram and ultrasound screening will help detect the disease at an early stage, improving the chances of cure. The most common symptom is the discovery of a breast lump. It is typically painless, but it can be painful at times. Watery or bloody nipple discharge is another symptom. Some people may also experience an armpit lump. ..
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Is there any optimal age for the cervical cancer vaccine?
According to the current recommendations that children aged between 11 or 12 receive two cervical cancer vaccine shots 6 to 12 months apart. The vaccine, however, can be given as early as age 9 and as late as age 45. Individuals aged 15 and up should receive three doses of the vaccine over the course of six months. ..
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Cervical cancer or cancer of the cervix (The Lower part of the Uterus) is the second most common cancer in India. With nearly 1.2 lac patients per year being diagnosed with this dreaded disease , most patients are diagnosed in advanced stages, and that accounts for high mortality. As per Cervical Cancer specialist in delhi It is a highly preventable disease and it is now time for India to leapfrog towards eliminating this disease. ..
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The five most common cancers in India—and how to detect them early
Dr. Peush, a Leading & Best doctor for cancer treatment in Delhi, he is one of the top-rated cancer specialists, who provide comprehensive care for cancer patients. They offer advanced diagnostic and treatment options, such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, to help patients overcome the disease. ..
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15 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer: Recognizing the Symptoms with Dr.PeushBajpai, Delhi's Renowned Cancer Specialist
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a serious medical condition that affects the colon or rectum. Detecting it early greatly increases the chances of successful treatment and improved prognosis. In this article, we will discuss the 15 warning signs of colon cancer and shed light on the expertise.....
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07 causes that can lead to colon cancer in youngsters
Colon cancer, a condition typically associated with older individuals, is becoming increasingly prevalent among youngsters. It is essential to understand the causes that contribute to this concerning trend. In this article, we will explore seven common causes that can lead to colon cancer in young individuals. Additionally, we will highlight the expertise of Dr.PeushBajpai, HOD and Consultant in Medical Oncology Sciences at Manipal Hospital, Delhi, .....
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